Now many people can make their own pizza. The most common question that arises at this thought is how long will it take to cook pizza? How long should pizza dough rise? Perfectly cooked pizza will turn out if you choose the right pan, We offer you to choose a pizza pan with holes vs no holes. With the calculation of time for the preparation of the filling and baking pizza, everything is clear. But how long will it take to make pizza dough?
The recommended time to raise the pizza dough is 1-1.5 hours. If you want a richer taste of the dough, you can leave it for 2.5 hours, but we do not recommend it anymore. If you want a very crisp crust, we recommend that you knead the dough twice for 1.5 hours. The dough should not rise for too long, otherwise it will spoil.
If you want to leave the dough overnight, then put it in the refrigerator to rise, so the process will be much slower and in the morning you will get a ready-made good dough.
Which pizza dough rise is better?

Let’s consider two variants of pizza dough. One is yeast, the second is yeast-free. On average, pizza dough rises 1.5-2 hours before preparing the first one, since you will have to wait until the dough rises. It takes an average of 1 hour to prepare a yeast-free one, here just refrigerate pizza dough for 10-15 minutes.
As for the taste. Homemade pizza dough will always be light and delicious if you follow all the cooking instructions. We bring to your attention the homemade Ooni pizza dough recipe. The taste is almost the same.
Thus, according to the criterion of time, the yeast-free dough wins, albeit by a little, but it is prepared faster.
The only difference is that the yeast dough will be slightly more crispy than the yeast-free one.
Is it possible to alternate a cold rise with a warm one?
This method really exists. It consists in alternating a warm rise with a cold one. First you need to knead pizza dough, then make pizza balls and put it in a warm place for 2-2.5 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.
What happens if you leave the pizza dough to rise for a long time?

If you leave the teso to rise for too long, the gluten inside the dough may become too “relaxed”, as a result of which the dough will begin to break down and become sticky and rough. Senior Vice President of Culinary Innovation at La Brea Bakery in Los Angeles Jonathan Davis likes to leave pizza dough to rise for 24 hours to allow for flavor development and better internal structure.
What exactly is going on with gluten?
After you leave the dough to rise, yeast fermentation begins, and the yeast turns into sugar. After that, all the sugar leads to the formation of a large amount of alcohol in the dough. As a result, if you overdo the dough, you will get an unpleasant alcoholic smell and a curdled dough rise.
Why should pizza dough rise?

The pizza dough must necessarily rise, otherwise you will get a thin crust tasteless and dry.
If you do not let the pizza dough rise for enough time for yeast and sugars to ferment, then there will be no release of carbon dioxide and alcohol.
Be sure to let the dough rise twice. When you notice that the pizza dough has risen to its normal height, knead the dough lightly again.
Kneading the already risen pizza dough allows some of the gas to escape and makes the texture denser. If you let the dough rise a second time, it will become softer and reduce the pressure that held the dough. In addition, the second rise will make the taste more saturated.
Your own weight will increase. Over proofed!
Why do people slow down the rise of the test?
There are two main reasons why people slow down the fermentation of the dough.
- The first is taste. Agree, it’s nice when the taste of the dough is deeper, richer, and tender and at the same time, there is a pleasant crunch of the crust. This can be achieved by cold fermentation.
- The second is time. Many people prepare the dough from evening to morning, so as not to waste time the next day on raising the dough. This is convenient and practical, in this situation it is also worth using cold fermentation, but be sure to take fresh yeast.
How to slow down the growth of the test?

Active dry yeast is often used to make excellent pizza.
- To slow down the growth of pizza, they should be added a little, then the process will be slower.
- You can also put the dough, not at room temperature, but put the dough in the fridge.
- Low temperatures also increase the rise time by a few hours. A warm environment, on the contrary, increases.
Proofing pizza dough. What is it?

Proofing is a secondary lifting of the dough. It occurs after the dough has been kneaded a second time and just before the product is rolled out and baked.
To get a beautiful long pizza dough, it is kneaded a second time, this dough allows you to saturate the dough with oxygen as much as possible. Chef James Birda, recommends a fermentation time of 24 to 48 hours, and he cautions against allowing pizza dough to rest too long in the refrigerator.
Room temperature. Is it so important to comply with the norm?
The temperature in the room is one of the main factors, as well as for the time during which the dough will rise.
The ideal room temperature at the primary rise to 40 degrees, at the secondary temperature may be slightly overstated. If the temperature meets the conditions, then the dough will rise on average from an hour to two or three, if lower, then it will take much longer.
Also, the room temperature affects the quality of the dough. If the temperature in the room exceeds the norm, then the dough can simply begin to cook, or it can delaminate.
With the first option, you will get a tasteless piece of text with a non-crispy crust. And when stratifying, the structure of the test will be lost altogether.
What happens if you add a little yeast? How much yeast?

There are many pizza dough recipes on the Internet. Almost everywhere a different amount of yeast is indicated for about the same weight. So, how much yeast is needed and what happens if there isn’t enough?
- Firstly, the pizza dough slow rise.
- Slow growth will be provided by a lack of yeast for fermentation, respectively, in addition to the shape, taste and smell of the pizza dough will also be lost.
- The less yeast, the smaller the volume of the dough
Pizza dough sitting is very important, but with a lack of yeast, you will not be able to do this, because the dough will fall apart, stick to your hands, and not taste and smell. Specialness: slow rise.
What is cold fermentation?
The main purpose of this technology is to ensure that all processes take place slowly and gradually, creating a product of excellent quality. This method is also used for making bread dough.
As a rule, cool temperatures allow you not to sit overnight near the pizza dough, but to sleep.
The cold fermentation method is divided into 4 parts:
- sourdough – consists in mixing certain ingredients to obtain a sourdough
- dough – all the necessary ingredients are added to the dough and the dough is kneaded (the main thing here is not to put too much flour)
- cutting – the formation of dough balls, the formation of a pizza crust. We recommend putting the leftovers in airtight container or plastic wrap.
- baking
It is very important to observe clear proportions here because if there is no less yeast, the dough will simply be stratified.
Why is it necessary to let the pizza dough rise twice?

All pizzerias often use this method. All cooks, when kneading the dough, do it twice. After preparing the dough, it is put in a warm place for a while until it rises.
After that, the dough is kneaded again, thereby it settles, after which the dough is again removed to a warm place and left until it rises a second time.
This is done in order to make the crust of the pizza more crispy and tasty. After all, you will agree, it is much more pleasant to eat a crispy crust, dipping it into a delicious sauce.
What can I store the risen dough in?
First, you need to make dough balls. Leave pizza dough in the form of balls for 10-15 minutes so that the dough gets used to the new shape. Next, plastic wrap the resulting balls into a plastic package and hermetically close. The plastic wrap is very comfortable to save dough.
How to store pizza dough in the fridge overnight
The proofing dough in this way will take up little space in the refrigerators, and also remain for three days, which will allow you not to cook a new portion of dough every day.
Where is the best place for dough to rise?
In order for the pizza dough to rise, it needs to be put in a warm place, at room temperature or warmer, the processes that are necessary to raise the dough will start. 25-30 degrees is best, but it is important that the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees, otherwise the dough will begin to curl.
Remember this when preparing!
What to do after you took out the previously prepared dough from the freezer?

First you need to put the dough in a deep mixing bowl or any other convenient container for you.
Also, the dough can be put in the kitchen sink under a thin stream of warm water, but the dough must be hermetically wrapped in a wrap or kitchen towel.
Under no circumstances should you put the pizza dough under hot water. The dough pizza freezes dough in the fridge, in order to defrost it, it is best to find a warm spot and put it there. How long does pizza dough last in the fridge? This is the best option of the above.
We remind you that the dough pizza is in the fridge for more than 3 days, otherwise it will spoil.
Then wait for a while until the dough melts, on average it takes about two hours. At that time, you can start sheet pan for rolling out.
How do you know when pizza dough is done rising?
To understand whether the dough has come up or not, you need to look at several landmarks – visual and tactile. Tips from the chef:
If the pizza dough is ready:
- The dough should increase in volume because it has swollen from the gas with which the yeast of the starter has saturated it, in other words, loosened it. You look at the bowl of dough and notice: aha, there is more of it! Put aside the rulers and other measuring instruments, there is no need to measure how many times it has grown, it is not so informative.
- Wet dough may not look like it will grow much, but thick – yes, simply because the dough has a different structure. Similarly, it is worth evaluating the pores if you left the dough to ferment in a transparent container.
- Through the walls of this container, you can see signs of loosening – air bubbles, and they will have a different structure and openness depending on the consistency of the dough. Moist may not have large pores, is thick, well loosened, and usually has a beautiful porosity.
- You can lift the container with the dough and tap on the bottom: the dough that did not fit will sound flat, but the one that came up will respond with a three-dimensional empty sound, reminiscent of the sound of a ripe watermelon.
You can touch or lightly pat the surface of the dough: the one that comes up will be soft, and lush, if the container is vigorously moved from side to side, the dough will be mobile, and gelatinous in appearance. The last characteristic is more about a wet dough.
You can take the dough by the very edge of the wall of the dishes, and gently pull it towards you if a fibrous porous structure opens, this is also a sign that the dough has come up.
As you can see, making pizza should include some knowledge, but you are lucky to have found our website.
How to calculate the optimal time for lifting the test based on the conditions?
To calculate the rise time of the pizza dough, it is important to take into account two factors, one them being the temperature and the ingredients from which the dough is prepared. The higher the temperature, the faster the dough will rise, and if the temperature is low, the dough will rise more slowly. If the dough is yeast-based, then it will take longer to prepare than a yeast-free dough.
How to Stretch Pizza Dough
How can I slow down the rise of the test?
To slow down the rise of the dough, it is better to freeze it. To do this, you need to make a ball of dough and put it in an airtight package.
After that, the dough is sent to the refrigerator, so you can store the dough in the refrigerator for up to three days. After that, the dough for proofing will begin to deteriorate. There will be a stratification of the dough, an unpleasant smell will appear.
We also hasten to warn you that the dough should not be put in the freezer, otherwise after defrosting, the necessary moisture may be released, as a result of which the dough will be stratified and will be unsuitable for pizza preparation.
Chapter FAQ
How long can you let pizza dough rise at room temperature?
The time at which the dough should be infused can be different. The main factors are room temperature, humidity, and dough ingredients. Usually, the dough is left for 2-4 hours at room temperature.
If you like the pronounced taste of the dough, then we advise you to hold it for another hour. At long time intervals, the dough will begin to delaminate and lose taste. There will be an unpleasant aftertaste of alcohol. This is due to the fermentation of the yeast, they turn into sugar.
Can you let pizza dough rise too long?
Yeast dough should rise in a warm place or at room temperature. On average, it takes about 30-60 minutes, and in cold places 1-1.5. Someone generally prefers to leave the pizza dough for 1-2 days, but this can not be done!
How long should pizza dough rise?
Depending on the type of dough, temperature, and humidity, the time of lifting the dough may vary. On average, in order for you to succeed exactly, it is recommended to leave the dough for 2-4 hours. Pizza dough rises faster because of the temperature, respectively, the warmer the faster.
If you are dealing with a purchased dough, we advise you to immediately start the pizza dough sit, since there is more sugar and yeast in them, respectively, the dough loses its properties faster.
Also, if you want to improve the taste of the dough, you can hold the pizza dough for a couple of hours longer, but be careful.
How do you know when pizza dough is done rising?
To understand whether the dough has come up or not, you need to look at several landmarks – visual and tactile.
In conclusion, we want to say that making pizza dough is a very exciting process. Thanks to a large number of different dough recipes, you can feel like a real chef in a pizzeria. How you know
how long should pizza dough rise?
The most important thing is to remember the rules of cooking, observe the rules of storage (make dough balls and put them in the refrigerator for a maximum of 3 days), enough yeast, and stick to the recipe.